Best in Class
Tutoring for Schools

    Best in Class
    Tutoring for Schools

      Proven Programs
      Cutting-Edge Research
      Transformative Results

      Transformational In-Person, High Dosage, & Online Tutoring

      We work with students of all ages and profiles and understand that every child has a unique learning profile and distinct academic and social-emotional needs. As such, we customize our curriculum for each of our students to help bolster their learning goals. We are able to provide in-person tutoring during or after school as well as on-demand and scheduled virtual tutoring. We have conducted tens of thousands of student sessions virtually and have significant expertise in ensuring that sessions conducted virtually are effective, engaging and enjoyable.

      LEAP 3.0 Results

      We Deliver Unmatched Results

      Axiom Learning shows our efficacy in terms of how much our students improve and how well they do. These gains can be seen across multiple areas of academic performance.

      • Test scores rise by more than 3 times the industry average
      • Mathematics scores rise 5x faster on standardized math tests after our tutoring services
      • Reading skills rise almost twice as fast for students after Axiom’s tutoring services
      • Students improve from C’s and D’s to A’s
      • Students show increased independence and motivation
      LEAP 3.0 Results

      We Deliver Unmatched Results

      Axiom Learning shows our efficacy in terms of how much our students improve and how well they do. These gains can be seen across multiple areas of academic performance.

      • Test scores rise by more than 3 times the industry average
      • Mathematics scores rise 5x faster on standardized math tests after our tutoring services
      • Reading skills rise almost twice as fast for students after Axiom’s tutoring services
      • Students improve from C’s and D’s to A’s
      • Students show increased independence and motivation

      Frictionless Implementation Model & CARE Framework

      Our Frictionless Implementation Model includes a dedicated project manager to streamline communication by providing a single point of contact for all stakeholders. We contact students and families the day before any scheduled session to remind them they have tutoring the next day — a simple gesture that more than doubles attendance and significantly improves student outcomes.

      Our proprietary system of carefully sequenced and curated activities and exercises – the Connect, Activate, Reason, and Elevate or CARE Framework – provides students with the tools and structures they need to be in a ready-to-learn state as well as cutting-edge executive functioning tools to better support the academic tutoring itself.

      CARE Framework
      CARE Framework

      Frictionless Implementation Model & CARE Framework

      Our Frictionless Implementation Model includes a dedicated project manager to streamline communication by providing a single point of contact for all stakeholders. We reach out to students and families the day before any scheduled session to remind them they have tutoring the next day — a simple gesture that more than doubles attendance and is a critical factor in significantly improving student outcomes.

      Our proprietary system of carefully sequenced and curated activities and exercises – the Connect, Activate, Reason, and Elevate or CARE Framework – provides students with the tools and structures they need to be in a ready-to-learn state as well as cutting-edge executive functioning tools to better support the academic tutoring itself. The framework integrates the latest research on education, neuroscience, and psychology into an easy-to-implement framework.

      Our Parents and Partners Love Us

      “Thanks to the time and effort of Axiom’s tutors, our son goes off to high school with a strong foundation of executive function and academic skills… Rather than focus on grades and academic achievement as the goal, Axiom focuses on the underlying skills that support learning, such as time management, working memory, and planning. These skills lay a strong foundation for learning and translate outside the classroom into daily life… As the academic expectations of middle school increased, the Axiom team taught our son tools and skills that allowed him to take ownership and accountability of his work.”

      Jean H.
      Dr. Aisha Simon & Shahzad Bhatti
      Co-Founders of Axiom Learning

      About Axiom Learning

      Axiom Learning was founded by a group of Harvard alumni committed to integrating evidence-based educational tools with individual and classroom instruction. Our intent is to share those tools broadly – particularly with young people in socioeconomic environments where opportunity and access tends to be limited. We are the only group that has invested over 200,000 hours into research, design, and iteration of our services and programs.

      Today, almost fifteen years after we began our quest to transform education, we operate in nine sites across the country (and one site in Asia) and have improved educational outcomes for thousands of students.

      Axiom Learning’s goal is to provide the very best educational offerings we are capable of – no cutting of corners, no sacrificing quality for revenue and ALWAYS putting our students’ needs and their futures at the center of every conversation. We place an emphasis on being good people who are doing the right things in the right way for the right reasons. Ultimately, we envision an education system that gives each and every child the skills they need to have the opportunity to be successful in the future rather than continuing to use the same tools we have used for decades to prepare them for a world that no longer exists.

      Contact Us Today To Learn More
