Teaching the Most Important Skills for Lifelong Success

  • Dramatically improve academic performance with learning strategies
  • Strengthen planning, self-advocacy, prioritization, and organizational skills
  • Differentiated lesson plans for students from K-12
  • IEP and 504-aligned modules

Teaching the Most Important Skills for Lifelong Success

  • Dramatically improve academic performance with learning strategies
  • Strengthen planning, self-advocacy, prioritization, and organizational skills
  • Differentiated lesson plans for students from K-12
  • IEP and 504-aligned modules

The Most Trusted Executive Functioning Curriculum

Studies show that executive skills have the strongest correlation with success in college (and beyond), even more so than standard academic measures. Built by Harvard alumni over 200,000 hours, our Executive Functioning Curriculum was designed to provide teachers with plug-and-play lessons that are adaptable into any learning context.

Axiom's EF Framework is Divided Into Two Curricula

Our Foundation EF Curriculum Includes:

EF Foundations

Intro to Executive Functioning
Module Overview
L1: Intro to EF
L2: Intro to Goals
L3: The Systems Check-In
L4: Basics of Time Management
L5: Building State Awareness
L6: Visualizing Goals
Systems Check-In
Module Overview
L1: Reflect on Your Current Tracking System
L2: Identify the Right Tool for Your System
L3: Try out Systems Check-In for Class
L4: Know the Benefits of Keeping a System


Breaking Goals Down
Module Overview
L1: Learn the Stages of Effective Work
L2: Understand How to Use Stages of Work
L3: Apply Stages of Work to Your Tasks
L4: Integrate Stages of Work Into Your Routine
Visualizing Goals
Module Overview
L1: Learn to Visualize Successful Outcomes
L2: Explore How Picturing Goals Helps You Plan
L3: Identify When to Plan Backwards
L4: Apply Planning Backwards to Your Life


Backpack & Desktop Organization
Module Overview
L1: Explore Strategies for Getting Organized
L2: Reflect on The Values of Organization
L3: Design Your Organized Space
L4: Create Goals to Get Organized
Managing Energy Levels
Module Overview
L1: Identify Your Energy Levels
L2: Understand How Energy Levels Affect Your Focus
L3: Recognize Your Most Impactful Energy States
L4: Build a Plan to Optimize Your Energy States


Time Estimation & To-Do Lists
Module Overview
L1: Practice Estimating Time for Tasks
L2: Understand the Value of Time Estimation
L3: Organize a To-Do List from Time Estimations
L4: Plan Your Week with a To-Do List
Prioritizing Tasks
Module Overview
L1: Learn to Identify Your Priorities
L2: Organize Your Tasks by Priorities
L3: Apply a Framework to Manage Tasks
L4: Build a Plan to Tackle Your Priorities


Resource Identification
Module Overview
L1: Identify Helpful Resources
L2: Know the Best Resources for Your Needs
L3: Pick Your Key Resources
L4: Broaden Your Resource Network
Module Overview
L1: Explore Ways for Effective Communication
L2: Identify When to Ask for Help
L3: Recognize Your Support Network
L4: Set a Goal for Practicing Asking for Help

Regulation Activities

Sensory Input
Module Overview
L1: Singing Bowl
L2: Sensory Break
Breathing Activities
Module Overview
L1: Breathing Box
L2: Physiological Sigh

Brain Warm-Ups

Improving Attention & Memory
Module Overview
L1: Spot-the-Match
L2: Rhythm Arrows
Brain Warm-Ups for ELA
Module Overview
L1: Mad Gabs
L2: Word Search

Our Advanced EF Curriculum Includes:

EF Foundations

Intro to Executive Functioning
Module Overview
L1: Intro to EF
L2: Intro to Goals
L3: The Systems Check-In
L4: Basics of Time Management
L5: Building State Awareness
L6: Visualizing Goals
Systems Check-In
Module Overview
L1: Reflect on Your Current Tracking System
L2: Identify the Right Tool for Your System
L3: Try out Systems Check-In for Class
L4: Know the Benefits of Keeping a System


Setting Effective Goals
Module Overview
L1: Identify Key Elements of Effective Goals
L2: Understand the Value of Setting Goals
L3: Craft Your Own Achievable Goals
L4: Integrate Goals Into Your Daily Routine
Planning to Read
Module Overview
L1: Discover Strategies for Better Reading
L2: Relate How Strategies Strengthen Reading
L3: Develop a Personalized Reading Plan
L4: Set a Goal Using Reading Strategies


Deciphering Instructions
Module Overview
L1: Discover a Method for Breaking Down Instructions
L2: Understand How to Break Down Instructions
L3: Practice Breaking Down Instructions
L4: Apply Skill to Break Down Schoolwork


Time Vortexes & Savers
Module Overview
L1: Explore Common Distractions
L2: Recognize Your Distractions
L3: Identify Proactive Strategies to Prevent Distractions
L4: Build a Plan to Manage Your Distractions
The Three Kinds of Time
Module Overview
L1: Discover Three Ways to Categorize Time
L2: Evaluate the Three Kinds of Time
L3: Categorize Your Routine
L4: Build a Balanced Time Schedule


Effective Note-Taking
Module Overview
L1: Learn Effective Note-Taking Strategies
L2: Identify Your Preferred Note-Taking Methods
L3: Practice Taking Better Notes
L4: Set a Goal to Improve Note-Taking

Regulation Activities

Sensory Input
Module Overview
L1: Singing Bowl
L2: Sensory Break
Breathing Activities
Module Overview
L1: Breathing Box
L2: Physiological Sigh

Brain Warm-Ups

Improving Attention & Memory
Module Overview
L1: Spot-the-Match
L2: Rhythm Arrows
Brain Warm-Ups for ELA
Module Overview
L1: Mad Gabs
L2: Word Search
1. Designed by Harvard Alumni with Best Pedagogical Practices in Mind
2. Less Than 3 Minutes of Teacher Prep
3. Classroom, Small Group, 1-on-1, and Self-Directed Options
4. Modules aligned with IEP Goals with Automated Reporting
5. Age Appropriate Content for All K-12 Students

Hear From Our School Partners

How Our EF Curriculum Is Used in Partner Schools

Full Class Icon
Small Group Icon
1-on-1 Icon
Self-Directed Learner Icon

Whole School

Transition Grades


G&T Programs

  • All students follow EF curriculum throughout the year
  • Led by class teacher during homeroom, advisory period, or subject classes
  • Additional support provided for increased EF demands on students
  • Led by class teacher during homeroom, advisory period, or subject classes
  • Supports most common goals e.g. task initiation, task completion, and time management
  • Led by learning specialist or paraprofessional to target specific skills in Tiers 2 and 3
  • Enables intentional learning of skills established as greatest predictors of success
  • Assigned and progress monitored by class teacher

How EF Curriculum Is Used in Partner Schools

Full Class Icon

Whole School

  • All students follow EF curriculum throughout the year
  • Led by class teacher during homeroom, advisory period, or subject classes
Small Group Icon

Transition Grades

  • Additional support provided for increased EF demands on students
  • Led by class teacher during homeroom, advisory period, or subject classes
1-on-1 Icon


  • Supports most common goals e.g. task initiation, task completion, and time management
  • Led by learning specialist or paraprofessional to target specific skills in Tiers 2 and 3
Self-Directed Learner Icon

G&T Programs

  • Enables intentional learning of skills established as greatest predictors of success
  • Assigned and progress monitored by class teacher

Our Tools Have Proven Outcomes

Axiom Learning conducted a multi-year research pilot, funded by the Gates Foundation, where our curriculum generated outsized positive outcomes:

Standardized Math Scores Rose 5x

English Scores Rose Twice as Fast

MAP Math Percentile Growth

MAP Math Percentile Growth

MAP Reading Percentile Growth

MAP Reading Percentile Growth

Attendance and Engagement Rose Dramatically

Problematic Behavior Dropped Significantly

Proportion of Unexcused Absences and Tardies

Proportion of Unexcused Absences and Tardies

Behavioral Incidents Change Per Student

Behavioral Incidents Change Per Student

With Especially Strong Growth for SPED Students…

…As Well As ELL Students

MAP Reading Growth for Special Education Students

MAP Reading Growth for Special Education Students

MAP Reading Growth for ELL Students

MAP Reading Growth for ELL Students

And Dropout Rates Fell to Zero!

Dropouts Fell to Zero

Our Tools Have Proven Outcomes

Axiom Learning conducted a multi-year research pilot, funded by the Gates Foundation, where our curriculum generated outsized positive outcomes:

Standardized Math Scores Rose 5x

MAP Math Percentile Growth

MAP Math Percentile Growth

English Scores Rose Twice as Fast

MAP Reading Percentile Growth

MAP Reading Percentile Growth

Attendance and Engagement Rose Dramatically

Proportion of Unexcused Absences and Tardies

Proportion of Unexcused Absences and Tardies

Problematic Behavior Dropped Significantly

Behavioral Incidents Change Per Student

Behavioral Incidents Change Per Student

With Especially Strong Growth for SPED Students…

MAP Reading Growth for Special Education Students

MAP Reading Growth for Special Education Students

…As Well As ELL Students

MAP Reading Growth for ELL Students

MAP Reading Growth for ELL Students

And Dropout Rates Fell to Zero!

Dropouts Fell to Zero

Schedule a Demo

Our team of experts is standing by to answer any questions and help you bring our tools to your school. Please fill out the form below and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
